Thursday, November 23, 2017

Favorite subject

Hi, today i’m going to write about my favorite subject this semester: Introduction to ethnography. The 4th semester of Anthropology is known like “the most easy of the career”, but this subject motivated me a lot and I’ve really enjoyed it along the year. The classes are not the substantial axis of the subject, however, there the teachers give you both theoretical and technical tools to do a good job throughout the semester. The main axis of the branch consists in forming groups of 5 to 7 people who choose any topic that they like and that can be approached from an ethnographic methodology, articulating the contents mentioned before in terms of this field work. This way, the main contents are those that you propose in a group manner in this work throughout the semester, which is finally presented either through a video that is published on the YouTube platform, or through a written work with the formalities of a paper. Personally, this was my favorite subject because I worked with my group on a subject that I like too much: wrestling. And I had the opportunity to know new places where the wrestling is practiced in Chile, like Clandestino or Xplosion Nacional de Lucha (XNL). That’s all for today, see you in the next post!

Related Website

Hello! today i'm going to write about one of the websites that i usually visit because is related with my career, its name is This is the website for the "Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino". Here we can find a lot of things about past societies and a brief description of them, especcially about those that inhabitated the current chilean territory. In that sense, i use this page because is useful for the contents of the subjects such as Prehistory or Archaeology, so every time that i have a test it's a support that cannot be missing to order my mind. In the website we can find a lot of categories like how you can planificate your visit to the museum, the currently expositions, the regions where the various collections come from, multiple educational resources that serve too much for learning, audiovisual material for teachers and information about how museum works. In this 4th semester i have visited this website one or two times in a week because "Prehistoria II" is killing me, and it has been very useful to battle against that subject. I would not change anything  to this page because it is quite simple and explanatory, That's one reason why I like it. That's all for today, see you in the next post!

My experience using blogs in the english class

Hello! Today i'm going to write about my experience in the English asignature, in particular how blogs helped me learn in a better way. This was the first time I took an asignature of this kind at the University and I think it was a good experience, especially with regards from the blogging tool. Throughout my student life I had never done a similar exercise that would encourage me to develop my writing and reading tools in English, since these are my weakest points and I always used to leave them aside. Writing about particular topics urged me to focus and concentrate, to question what costs me too much. However, I think that in the future more free themes should be taken into account in order to contrast the experiences, since this may serve to get carried away in writing. I also think that it would be better to raise the minimum floor of words, since some topics are very developable in terms of content and make the contrast between colleagues who write a lot and others can affect the note of some. Now finishing the asignature I feel that my skills have improved being reflected in the comments and writings that I usually do, as well as in the way I express myself in front of others. I hope that the following courses are better than this one in order to consolidate knowledge. See you in the next post, Goodbye!